Astronaut Logo Dad Hat


I saw you eyeing this here hat. Bring out your dad energy with this dope dad hat. Dad jokes told while wearing this show an increase of 32% more laughs. Comfy, dope, minimal, bold. Just like you. 35 bucks, deal? You're right, that's steep. Let's just call it 20. Shake on it? 🤝 It's yours! Add to cart!


  • Sliding buckle
  • 6ish panel hat
  • Embroidered logo (it's really in there) (Official logo that we spent a bunch of money on to register & copyright. You can tell people "You know this logo is illegal to steal? What's up? the names Bill.")
  • Made from real dads
  • 100% Cotton, we think
  • adds +8 cool points when near other dads, per dad (the more dads, the better)
  • Dog hair on hat, not included